Our contact details:
Mentor House,
Ainsworth Street,
Centurion House,
129 Deansgate,
M3 3WR
Any designations that include the term ‘director’ do not always refer to registered statutory directors.
Pierce is a trading name of 1KSW Ltd (11781379) and its associated companies. 1KSW Ltd is the parent company of Pierce Group Ltd (09047081), Pierce C.A. Ltd (04360541), Pierce Forensic Ltd (05969229) and Pierce Corporate Finance Ltd (05969217). All companies are registered in England & Wales and the registered office, list of all directors and VAT registration numbers are held at: Mentor House, Ainsworth Street, Blackburn, Lancashire BB1 6AY. Pierce C.A. Ltd is registered to carry on audit work in the UK and regulated for a range of investment business activities by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales - Chartered Accountants' Hall, PO Box 433, London EC2P 2BJ, Tel 020 7920 8100.